Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Creating Sanctuary: Drinking from the Well that Sustains Us

This  retreat honors our need for sanctuary and a sustainable connection to our courage, happiness and peace of mind. Trees are anchored and sustained by tap roots reaching deeply into the earth for water and stability. This makes them resilient, supporting them as they bend with the wind.  We too can be rooted, resilient, flexible and connected to what sustain us.

What is the nature of your rootedness?
What sustains you and supports your resilience?
What are your sources of inspiration, renewal & happiness?

Our mornings begin with poetry, stress reduction exercises and awareness of breath meditation. These practices clarify the senses, allowing the mind to rest and deepening our capacity to see the ingredients that create our personal well being.

Ancient wisdom stories and images invite you to explore your inner sanctuary through art, council circle and  journal time. During our time together we’ll use a variety of experiential approaches to drink deeply from the well that sustains us; so that you can return to your life with a deeper connection to your inner sanctuary.

Where: La Paloma Hot Springs and Spa Yoga Studio
When: November 15th 10am - 4 pm and November 16th 11-2pm
Tuition:  $108.  includes materials and snacks
Registration ends on Oct. 31st.  Register by Oct 15 for $98!
                                                          Call Rose at 505-310-2765 

La Paloma Hot Springs & Spa in Truth or Consequences New Mexico offers a relaxing atmosphere, natural hot spring pools  and comfortable rooms for your enjoyment. See them on Facebook or at

Facilitator:  Rose Gordon has been leading retreats and training focused on  deepening self-awareness  and illuminating inner wisdom since 2004. Rose has facilitated retreats on Creating Sanctuary, Compassionate Care of the Dying, Being with Dreams, Meditation, Council Process, Grief and Loss and Developing Resiliency in New York, Boston, Colorado, New Mexico and Dubai. She incorporates storytelling, Council process, sitting and walking meditation, art, poetry and interactive exercises to create a rare opportunity for personal growth and rejuvenation.